So far my big rides have been up to 6 or 7 hours long. However, I always like to push things a little further each time. How’s 3 days sound?

Roseberry Topping
Roseberry Topping

For a couple of years now I’ve fancied riding off into the North York Moors and exploring the trails over several days; making a big loop of the area. So that’s the plan that I’ve put together.

Accompanied by 2 mates the plan is to drive up to the south edge of the moors, ride from the car out to Whitby where we’ll meet the sea, then turn west for a second leg that’ll take us to Guisborough before finally coming back south to the car again via Rosedale Abbey. It should total somewhere in the region of 150 km, all in. While planning the route I stumbled across the ‘moors to sea’ routes and have incorpprated some of these into the plan. They offer several biking options for people fancying a day out on their bikes: put several together and add some of your own bits and hey presto you get a 3 day epic.

In theory, overnight options could include B&B, tents or even a posh hotel but we’re mountain bikers, so the plan is to do what mountain bikers do best; kip under the stars with the bikes! Yep, we’re taking bivi bags and camping out in the wild. Fortunately, we pass through decent sized towns on days 2 and 3 so we can travel light and pick up supplies as we go. Travelling light should mean that we can do without panniers or too many bulky bike bags; hopefully allowing us to ride like mountain bikers rather than laden down tourers.

My Alpkit Hunka bivi bag
My Alpkit Hunka bivi bag

With travelling light in mind, I got onto the Alpkit website and ordered up a new Hunka bivi bag, a 13 litre Airlok Xtra and a medium Fuelpod. I already have a decent sleeping bag and a self inflating mat and I figure these plus the Hunka will fit snuggly into the Airlok which will attach to my handlebar. I already have a tried and tested rucksack which will carry my lunch for the day and additional clothes/alternative layers. Four Camelbak bottles, 2 in bike cages and 2 in my rucksacks bottle pockets, will provide me with the necessary hydration for each day.

Alpkit bags attached and ready
Alpkit bags attached and ready

The fuelpod will house my phone, portable charger, snacks, maps and general ‘at hand’ bits and pieces. Leaving my under saddle bag to pick up the job of carrying the tools, spare inner tube and those sorts of essentials. The key balance is to avoid taking anything that won’t end up being used but not ending up needing something that I decide not to take! Needless to say, I’m confident in my planning, but time will tell.

As far as MuddyGoose goes; I’m treating him to a new chainring. A 32T narrow wide ‘Superstar Components IO Chainring’ non the less! That should provide me with sufficient gearing for any hills that come our way and also help to retain the chain through the rougher stuff too. Just need to get round to bleeding my rear brake as it’s gone a little soggy and then I’m all ready to go.